Mexico sandset | the days before the children arrived
Love is in the Air
I met my wife Jenn on an outbound flight heading home from Madison, Wisconsin. That day was August 19th of 2007 when I was living in Jacksonville, Florida. Branching out of the Southeast had me covering weddings up and down the east coast eventually taking me to the Mid-West and beyond. I shot two weddings in Madison during the summer of ‘07. It was after the second wedding, around 6am at Dane County Regional Airport that I first saw Jenn’s pretty face.
A good 30 minutes after everyone had boarded the flight, and the plane was still sitting on the runway. An hour later after several apologetic announcements, we were asked to deboard because of “water in the cockpit”. Everyone got off the plane, started making calls, while I redeemed my complimentary food voucher. Then I saw her off to the side sitting alone. It seemed like the perfect moment. What would have been for most a monstrous inconvenience ended up being a serendipitous encounter. Jenn and I ended up spending the whole day hanging out together in that tiny airport. The way it was so easy to talk and laugh with her seemed familiar, like we had met before. Our waitress was surprised when we told her we just met since she thought we had been together forever. After some 12 or so hours together we had to part ways.
We tied the knot on 07.03.2010 and in September we moved to Baltimore.
I will always remember the first time I saw Jenn and how I felt. How she looked at me, and the way she smiles. I will always cherish those late nights talking on the phone making the most out of our long-distance relationship. I can picture our first passionate kisses and little trips we made to be together. You never let that go. Fast forward to today. We cherish our twin infants, one boy and one girl. Jenn is happier than ever because I can see that familiar look and smile in her face, beaming, radiant and glowing.
Those times and all to come, how I felt, how I feel those moments in my head, that is how I want you to see yourselves in pictures.
in bloom | Jenn carrying the twins
twins in tow | Maeve and Finn
love boat | Finn, Jenn & Maeve onboard the Baltimore Water Taxi
storytime | All three babies: Rowan, Finn & Maeve
hands | BIG sis w little brother
waves | Finn & Ro